
Why I’ve Been M.I.A.

Hello beautiful readers!

I just first of all want to apologize for not being present the past couple of weeks. Life has been hectic for me as I’ve finished up final exams and projects, moved from LA to Washington, and started my brand new internship. Hopefully, I will get back into a regular schedule with my internship and everything. Having a schedule will help me carve out time to write and get back into my blogging groove. I miss writing and connecting with y’all so much, so I will definitely make it a priority to make time for blogging.

In the meantime, please check out my Instagram and Twitter as those are much easier and quicker for me to update! This weekend I will try to finish up a post and video about my road trip as well as my transition moving from LA to WA.

I hope you can all forgive me for being so busy lately! Trust me, I want to be writing. Thank you so much for all of your patience, it means the world!

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