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What I Wish I Could Tell My Freshman Self

With a little less than four weeks of college left, I’ve been reflecting back on my experience at Washington State University and Chapman University. The emotions I feel can only be described as a roller coaster – heartbreakingly nostalgic one moment, bursting with excitement the next.

College life is going to test you harder than anything you’ve ever experienced. Nothing compares to the social, intellectual, and spiritual challenges you will face. Above all, nothing compares to the growth you will see in yourself and your peers. This is your chance to start fresh, to be the person you always dreamed you would be – create a life you take pride in and love fully.

My experience in college has taught me so many lessons about who I am and what I want in life. It’s honestly impossible to write down everything I’ve learned, but I want to share my favorite pieces of advice that I wish I had known when I was a freshman in college. From silly things like texting that hot guy from work to more serious things like leaning who to trust – I’m sharing all my best nuggets of wisdom.

 My best pieces of advice – in list form:

  1. Be kind and gracious always – you will be SHOCKED by how small the world is
  2. Your grades don’t matter as much as you think they do
  3. Text that guy you like first (seriously, don’t play those dumb texting mind games, it’s a waste of energy)
  4. Take way too many pictures (just don’t post all of them)
  5. Your roommates are either going to be the best or worst people you’ve ever met, but I can guarantee they will give you great stories regardless
  6. Swallow your pride and learn to apologize first
  7. Get off of campus and explore your local community
  8. The freshman 15 is very, very real. Beware, but also don’t stress too much about it. It happens to everyone. Mine came from eating easy-mac after every night out.
  9. Get a mentor – whether that’s a church pastor, professor, boss, or what – you need to have one adult in your life you can talk to that isn’t your parents that will help you navigate this whole adulting thing
  10. Back up your files online and in an external hard drive
  11. Live on campus or in your sorority house for at least a semester
  12. Join at least one club or organization. You need a community to dive into that doesn’t consist of just classmates or coworkers
  13. Determine what matters to you in friendships – don’t be afraid to cut negative people who don’t meet those expectations out of your life
  14. Don’t stress about picking a major right away. Most people still have no idea what they’re doing even after they’ve finalized their field of study
  15. Take a random class where you know nobody in it
  16. Ask questions all the time – you will never be bored when you’re curious
  17. Make mistakes – LOTS of them
  18. Always, always forgive people (even if you can’t forget)
  19. Get a job. Or two. Or three.
  20. Don’t let boys (or girls) be mean to you
  21. Go to class. Seriously.
  22. Remember that everybody’s doing the best they can – give them a little slack and the benefit of the doubt. College is hard for everyone.
  23. Stand up for yourself and speak up for your beliefs
  24. Wear that bodycon dress or crop top or bikini – you’ll never be this young again, as long as you feel confident, ROCK IT
  25. There are going to be people who will work to tear you down when you’re successful. At the risk of sounding like DJ Khaled, they don’t want to see you succeed. Keep your head up and keep going.
  26. Learn how to be a good listener
  27. For the love of God, do not transfer schools because of a significant other
  28. Go out even after you’ve taken off all your makeup and put on sweat pants
  29. There are going to be people who are stuck in the high school mentality. Don’t be one of them.
  30. Say yes to as many opportunities to get involved or meet new people as possible
  31. Don’t delete “bad” pictures of yourself – just keep them in a separate folder. You might wish you had them one day
  32. Create a successful morning routine that sets you up for success
  33. Don’t be afraid of taking out loans so that you can go to your dream school. You can always pay them off and lots of people graduate with debt
  34. Learn your limits when it comes to drinking – and stick to them
  35. Go to at least one formal event where you get dressed fancy – whether it be a banquet or sorority formal or whatever
  36. Don’t post illegal things or anything you wouldn’t want your grandma to see on social media
  37. Take on at least one leadership or management position in your club or job
  38. How you treat others is a direct reflection on who you are
  39. When you see people from high school, you don’t have to talk to them but don’t be rude
  40. Put your phone away in class
  41. Do not drop out. I know it’s hard, I know it’s expensive. But I know you can do it and there are so many financial resources out there!
  42. Learn about sex – whether that’s discovering your own sexuality, figuring out what you like and don’t like in bed, or learning where your boundaries are, just determine where you stand
  43. Go to sporting events – they’re most likely free or really cheap for students and will make for some of the best memories
  44. If you’re in a sorority, make friends in other houses, in your classes, and at work. Don’t get stuck in your safe bubble. Get to know as many people as possible!
  45. Take fashion risks
  46. You have the opportunity to form your own family – surround yourself with people you want to celebrate the good times with, yes, but also those who will be there through the tough stuff (deaths, divorces, failures, etc.)
  47. Make a LinkedIn and start building your professional network as soon as possible
  48. Call your parents
  49. Your friends have the power to be the most influential people in your life
  50. People will remember how you made them feel far more than anything you said or did
  51. Be kind without being soft – don’t let people walk all over you
  52. Use your university’s services – the career center, counseling services, free gym, financial aid, etc. You’ll never have such easy access to these resources again
  53. Learn how to dress business casual and business professional
  54. Impact matters more than intent the majority of the time
  55. Your summers matter more than you think. Do something worthwhile
  56. Find hobby that isn’t school related and spend at least 2 hours a week working on it
  57. You have as many hours in the day as Beyoncé. Trust me, you have time.
  58. Use your manners and respect your elders
  59. Don’t go home every weekend but be sure to see your family every once in a while
  60. Prioritize your health – drink lots of water, sleep plenty, eat decent (everything in moderation)
  61. Never, ever, ever put a guy before your girlfriends (or a girl before your guy friends)
  62. Learn how to cook at least 3 things really, really well
  63. Take yourself on a date at least once a month – take yourself out to dinner, have a Netflix binge-session, get a pedicure
  64. Don’t spend money on clothes you can’t wear after college
  65. Go on at least one trip with your friends

What would you tell your freshman self? I’d love to hear your pieces of advice looking back! 

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