I love dressing up for Halloween – I always pull together inexpensive and easy D.I.Y. costumes. I wanted to share my costumes from this year with all of you.
Can I just say that this year was the year of the face paint? Everywhere I looked people were super into costume makeup and elaborate face paint. From deer to skeletons to vampires, I saw it all. Maybe I was just really oblivious years past, but it seemed ten times more prevalent this year.
I got the majority of the supplies I needed for my costumes courtesy of Value Village but also got some stuff from Walmart and Party City. I know Halloween costumes can be super pricey, but Value Village had such a great selection at such low prices. Next year, I highly recommend checking them out!
The first Dia de los Muertos photo is from a fun photo shoot my best friend and I did with the incredibly talented Warren Marshall Photography. Be sure to check out his website!
Night One: Angel & Devil
Night Two: Dia de los Muertos
Night Three: Skeleton & Cat

What did you dress up as for Halloween?